Key Publications

Power Plant 2.0 - A guidebook to electrify in  harmony with nature
Wired for tomorrow: Unleashing the power of digitalisation in grids
Grids for speed
Data interoperability: an essential for the e-mobility ecosystem
Annual Report 2023
Repowering Europe & Delivering Clean Energy Resilience - Manifesto for the 2024-2029
24/7 CFE Hedging Analysis-Full Study
24/7 CFE Hedging Analysis-Key Takeaways
Power Barometer 2023
Decarbonisation Speedways
Decarbonisation Speedways - Full Report
PRESIDENCY MANIFESTO 2023-25: Powering an open strategic Europe
Eurelectric presentation in ITRE Public Hearing on the Reform for the Electricity Market Design Package
Electricity market design: Fit for Net Zero
Letter to Heads of State: Electricity Market Design Review - The views of the European power sector ahead of the European Council, 23-24 March 2023
Six essentials for e-mobility
Annual Report 2022
Letter to the European Council on energy supply and prices in Europe
Joint Common Principles for Enhanced Consumer Protection this Winter
The coming storm: Building electricity resilience to extreme weather
Paper on electricity market design
Memorandum of Understanding between The Nature Conservancy and Eurelectric
Global electricity leaders call to action
Power Barometer 2022
Power Plant
Game Changers
Presidential statement - Reducing Europe’s fossil fuel dependence
Power sector accelerating e-mobility:  Can utilities turn EVs into a grid asset? EY-Eurelectric report - EVision 2022
Annual Report 2021
Power2People - How to better engage customers in the energy transition
A Flexible Power System in Europe - Integrated Vision for Flexibility to Enable the Clean Energy Future
Powering the Energy Transition through Efficient Network Tariffs
A Timely Match – 24/7 corporate renewable energy matching
Power Barometer 2021 - Key power sector indicators and industry-wide figures
Electric Decade
Presidency Manifesto 2021 - Making the Green Deal a reality with electrification
Accelerating fleet electrification in Europe: When does reinventing the wheel make perfect sense?
Annual Report 2020
Connecting the dots: Distribution grid investment to power the energy transition
Distribution Grids in Europe - Facts and Figures 2020
Guide on EU financing and funding instruments for DSO projects
AI Insights - The Power Sector in a Post-Digital Age (Digital Report)
Charge! - Deploying secure & flexible energy storage
Power Barometer 2020
Ports: Green gateways to Europe
E-quality: Shaping an inclusive energy transition
15 pledges to customers: Together for a sustainable, inclusive and smart energy future
Eurelectric Annual Report 2019
E-invest - The power sector investment challenge: 100 Billion per year and counting
Net Zero by 2050: Key Enablers
Decarbonisation Pathways
Vision of the European Electricity Industry