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AgriPhotoVoltaic – Sustainable multipurpose land use and biodiversity preservation

About the case study

The AgriPhotoVoltaic demo program, launched in 2021, is focused on the possibility to make agricultural activities coexist with utility-scale ground-mounted photovoltaic plants, adopting sustainable practices in land use and improving ecosystems’ biodiversity of the site. Nine testing sites are involved in Europe (across Spain, Greece and Italy), with different climate areas and plant layouts.
In addition, a network of proximity sensors, integrated with more innovative remote sensors have been implemented to monitor the effects on agricultural and solar production. The program, in fact, promotes the integration and coexistence of multiple businesses on the same land, but also fosters the adoption of advanced farming techniques.
Specific solutions to safeguard local biodiversity and improve ecosystem services within plant and marginal areas have been implemented, through the creation of specific corridors between the PV module rows. High-tech hives have been also installed, to assess the environmental health status of the surrounding areas, through the monitoring of the bees as biosensors.
EGP is promoting also a multi-stakeholder approach, evaluating new and sustainable business models, involving local farms and communities with the aim to foster diversified land use, improve ecosystem services, and create shared value.

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